Roses are the ultimate symbol of love, beauty and appreciation.
The most traditional and popular flower due to their simple beauty and elegance teamed with an intoxicating sweet fragrance.
Roses, particularly of the long stem variety, have for centuries been known as the flower of love. No flower greater signifies beauty, passion and romance more so than roses, whether arranged in a stunning bouquet, or a single rose given to someone special our range features an abundance of traditional and modern rose arrangements in a vast array of stunning colours.
There is no better way to show love and appreciation than by giving the gift of roses.
Award Winning Florist
Amore Delux Rose Bouquet
$230.00 -
Aurora Dozen Red Rose Bouquet
$130.00 -
Bud Vase – Red Rose
$39.95 -
Designer Vase & Red Roses
$135.00 -
Fishbowl of Roses
$125.00 – $180.00 -
Grand Seduction
$195.00 – $300.00 -
Grand Seduction – Red Roses, Wine, Bear, Chocolates
$260.00 -
Now & Forever- Long Stem Pink Roses
$55.95 – $170.00 -
Red Rose Bouquet
Rosella Hat Box
$120.00 -
Seduction Plus Pink – Long Presentation Box
$79.50 – $210.00 -
Single Red Rose in Box
$40.00 -
Sweet Valentine Long Stemmed Roses
$79.00 -
Temptation Delux – Pink Roses
$295.00 -
Temptation Delux -Red Roses
$250.00 -
$320.00 -
Valentine’s Dozen Red Rose Bouquets
$120.00 -
Valentines Choc Hat Box
The colour of roses also has special significance:
Red Roses – The most popular choice expresses “I Love You” And signifies Romance, Passion, Sincere love, Beauty and Courage.
A dozen red roses is a definitive way of expressing true love.
White Roses – Signifies everlasting love and loyalty and often used in weddings for that reason. White roses also symbolise new beginnings, purity and innocence.
Ivory Roses – Represent grace and thoughtfulness. Ivory roses are the perfect gift to let someone know you love and care for them.
Yellow Roses – The perfect choice to brighten up anyone’s day! Yellow roses represent friendship, affection and often given to say “Good Luck”.
These cheerful flowers also make a great get well gift.
Peach Roses – Represent modesty, harmony and gratitude. A great way to say “Thank you”, “I Miss you” or to show sympathy
Orange Roses – Make a bold statement of passion and express pride. Orange roses are a great way of saying “I’m proud of you”
Pink Roses – Represent sweetness, happiness and appreciation. Perfect to give to say “Thank you” or “I love you”
Purple Roses – Signify royalty, enchantment and romance. Purple roses are also said to mean “Love at first sight”